Karmic cycles yay, lol. Ok let’s talk about it.

Karmic Cycle - A repetitive cycle that continues on until you learn the lesson.

Often times I have people who don’t understand why they keep having the same cycle/experience despite being different people, different environments, different everything, yet things still turn out the same.


I need everyone who is reading this to know that “good people” go through karmic cycles too. The point of a karmic cycle is to learn the lesson. Remember that behind every lesson there is a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like it when you’re in the thick of it. Never doubt that whatever the lesson is, it is for your highest good.

Karmic cycles often shows up to teach you lessons on boundaries, self-worth, confidence, standing up for yourself and tests of faith.

Karmic cycles happen for you not to you. Whether you realize it or not you asked for it.

You could have had a loss of a job and then you wonder why it happened. Could it have been the job didn’t pay you enough? Could it have been that they didn’t respect you enough as far as your time, performance and/or calling you in early or forcing overtime?

When you don’t learn the lesson from the cycle, here it comes again. So let me explain, boom you done lost your job, now you got another job. You good things working out pretty well all of a sudden they you get promoted, that’s good right? Now you’ve been promoted more responsibilities and pay. Woohoo! All of sudden you’re getting calls after hours or having to stay more hours. You keep on trucking but you are tired and going way past your job description.

You don’t say anything cause you need this job. Now you’re sitting there like why does this always happen to me?

You have not learned the lesson in the karmic cycle. So here it goes again.


