On Purpose On Purpose


Hey yall heyyy ok this a topic that came to me during meditation. I feel that often times the spiritual lingo can get confusing especially for you new booties. So Imma do what I do and break this down Empress of Alchemy style.

So lets vibration and frequency.

VIBRATION A.K.A ENERGY/EMOTION example love, anger, sadness, fear etc

FREQUENCY - Is the level aka sync

Let me break it down more. Yall hear me say there are levels to this shit often. The frequency is the level

EXAMPLE: Picture this

You and I are tapped into the VIBRATION of LOVE. Now in this vibration there are multiple frequencies (111,222,333 and so on)

So in this VIBRATION let’s say you are in the frequency of 222 and I am in 888. Now it’s not that one frequency is better than the other just means we are on different frequencies. Now because I am in the frequency of 888 and you are in 222. I can empathize because I’ve passed through that frequency to get to 888.

Although we are both in the VIBRATION of LOVE. We wouldn’t be a full match so there wouldn’t be any mirroring. Likely you and I would see sync like 1001,1221,7117.

Now lets say that we both are in the VIBRATION of LOVE and we both are in the frequency of 222 we would likely see syncs like 1212,1111,3131.

OK BOOM. Yall still with me? OK let’s go a little further

Let’s say that we both are in the VIBRATION of LOVE and we both are in the frequency of 888. We should be seeing mirroring syncs like 1212,1111,3131, right? So what happens if we are seeing 1001,1221,7117?

That would mean one or both of us have additional work to do and it needs to be looked at on an individual level once that healing work is done that is when the mirroring will begin.

Never take it personal or feel like that there is something wrong with you or another. We all have our own individual journeys, we cross paths with each other ON PURPOSE. Not everyone is going to be on the journey with you through it all. Always remember that everyone is not going to make BUT you keep growing. Those who are meant to be in your life will be there when they are supposed to. Yes you may outgrow people more often than many of us would like.

Trust everything you experience is always for your highest good

Hope this gave yall some clarity

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On Purpose On Purpose


Hey yall hey

So I’ve gotten a lot of questions about TWIN FLAMES. So here we go

🤪Many people don’t truly understand the twin flame journey

Imma break it down as much as possible but I will barely be scratching the surface


✨️Everyone has a twin flame, false

✨️ You have more than one twin flame, kind of sorta false. It is possible more likely than not you have a karmic twin flame (usually your karmic twin flame or twin flame awakens you, through some BS)

✨️All twin flames come into union, false…Not every twin flame will come into union this life time

✨️You can cut cords with your twin flame. You can try but I highly suggest against it, baby I tried it and all that happen was intensify the connection

💜If you choose to cut cords with your twin flame cut the attachment. No matter how many times you try the connection will not end but cutting the attachment makes it easier to maneuver the journey with the separation

✨️ If you don’t come into union with your twin flame you’ll be alone..false. You will have the option to connect with a DIVINE COUNTERPART ✨️ A Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine that is not your twin flame but they are a DIVINE BEING


The TWIN FLAME JOURNEY is a whole lot of ups, downs,twists, turns…it's wild and often very ghetto 🤣

The journey is about you. Your twin flame helps you discover things about yourself even your gifts only your twin can trigger certain activations

The journey goes through separations, the runner chaser era (sometimes you’ll be the runner sometimes you'll be the chaser..you will experience both)

Although the journey is like no other it is worth it once you find your footing. This often leads you to your PURPOSE.

So when you feel like knocking shit over. Remember where you're headed.

Keep your 👁 on the prize

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On Purpose On Purpose


Hey yall hey!

So, in this post we will go over manifesting. Well one of the easiest yet seems to be the hardest technique to get. a lot of times I have people who come to me and ask me how you manifest. My response it starts with your mind, a simple thought. Where you focus that’s what you would manifest. It’s really that simple.

Now, I’ve had people come to me and say “they cheated that’s not what I wanted”. Maybe not but that’s all you focused on so that’s what the divine got. Source does not understand or words it’s our vibration. So if you vibrate on a frequency that says “he/she cheating that’s what you will get”. No you were not right you manifested it! In my opinion, the worst type of magician is someone who is unaware of their own power. Some how these are often the strongest manifestors and constantly manifest fuckery in their life and those around them. The ego be so big I can’t even deal cause all they see is “I was right” and all I see is let me stay away from you cause your ego way too big for me to even assist you. This is such a huge pet peeve of mine, ego big brain small.

Many times when your manifesting and your thoughts are getting off path you’ll start to see 6’s like 66, 616, 626, 666 (this one for sure) and so on. That is your angels and guides way of telling you aht aht refocus your thoughts you going to the left. Pay attention to what you were thinking and turn it into a positive thought.

Let me tell you a story see if I can make it make sense

A few years ago my nephew was 4 or 5 years old. He loved watching football. He would say Imma be a football player TT, Imma be famous. Now nephew wasn’t old enough to play football at that time but, when it was time…he was ready. So nephew started playing flag football, if you know flag football there is no tackling. Now nephew had already in his head that he was gonna play football and he was gonna tackle, tackle. One day nephew mom called like

“Sis you need to get your nephew he about to get kicked out of football”

Me: For what?

Nephew mom: Cuz he doesn’t listen

So I go pick up nephew

Me: Nephew why you not listening to your coach?

Nephew: TT I do, I just forget when I start playing

Me: You can’t forget nephew, they not gonna let you play

Nephew: TT football means tackle


Me: Boy what?

Nephew: yeah when you see the guy with the football it means he supposed to get tackled

Me: laughing you right but in this game you supposed to pull they flag

Nephew: I know but once we start playing all I hear in my head is FOOTBALL MEANS TACKLE so that’s what I do everytime

Nephew was continously manifested tackles cuz that’s all he focused on…

SIDE NOTE: Nephew plays tackle football now, he gone be a big problem..IJS

Back to manifesting

I want to give another example of how you can manifest bs through your thoughts

We all have been running late before. Now the moment you realize your running late. Your mind goes to I’m late, I’m going to be short this paycheck/I hope they don’t cancel my appointment and so.

You ever notice that things start to get worse like curling iron stops working, you spill coffee on your clothes, can’t find your shoes, kids start acting wild, you can’t find your keys just complete chaos. It’s because you have taken the energy and placed it on the worry of being late. Finally you get in the car and you hit every single red light there is why because all your focus is on being late.

Next time you are late try this

Tell yourself Imma a little behind but Imma be on time. Hold that thought or keep repeating it then visualize all the green lights on your drive. Visualize you looking at a clock time when you arrive place the time you want to arrive in your visualization.

You can use this technique with any manifestation

Be like nephew and remember


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On Purpose On Purpose


Karmic cycles yay, lol. Ok let’s talk about it.

Karmic Cycle - A repetitive cycle that continues on until you learn the lesson.

Often times I have people who don’t understand why they keep having the same cycle/experience despite being different people, different environments, different everything, yet things still turn out the same.


I need everyone who is reading this to know that “good people” go through karmic cycles too. The point of a karmic cycle is to learn the lesson. Remember that behind every lesson there is a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like it when you’re in the thick of it. Never doubt that whatever the lesson is, it is for your highest good.

Karmic cycles often shows up to teach you lessons on boundaries, self-worth, confidence, standing up for yourself and tests of faith.

Karmic cycles happen for you not to you. Whether you realize it or not you asked for it.

You could have had a loss of a job and then you wonder why it happened. Could it have been the job didn’t pay you enough? Could it have been that they didn’t respect you enough as far as your time, performance and/or calling you in early or forcing overtime?

When you don’t learn the lesson from the cycle, here it comes again. So let me explain, boom you done lost your job, now you got another job. You good things working out pretty well all of a sudden they you get promoted, that’s good right? Now you’ve been promoted more responsibilities and pay. Woohoo! All of sudden you’re getting calls after hours or having to stay more hours. You keep on trucking but you are tired and going way past your job description.

You don’t say anything cause you need this job. Now you’re sitting there like why does this always happen to me?

You have not learned the lesson in the karmic cycle. So here it goes again.

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On Purpose On Purpose


Hey yall hey so in this post I would like to explain what a cycle is.

CYCLE is a series of events that happen in order for you to move to next stage in your journey. We have many cycles not just karmic cycles (SEE KARMIC CYCLE). Here in this post we will explore the other cycles.

You can be in multiple cycles at the same time. Cycles have different time spans. Some cycles are a year, 2 years, 7 years can even go up to 20 years. So don’t get frustrated with your cycles.


Jupiter l - Good Luck/Expansion

Moon - Feelings/Subconscious

Mercury - Communication/Learning

Mars - Actions/Aggression

Venus - Love/Affection

With every cycle there are stages. The stages are crisis (usually at the beginning of the cycle), learning, realizations and getting the keys. You can go through a cycle in one spin but often times there are delays and hiccups due to other cycles or the choices you make.


CRISIS - 1 & 2 can also be 9 & 10

LEARNING - 3,4,5 can go to 6


KEYS - 10 can also be 1

When you start seeing new synchronicities pay attention, they are guidance and confirmation


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