All right beautiful so beautiful people let's talk about agreements. One of the books that I really thoroughly enjoy I actually used to call it my Bible is The Four Agreements by Don Julio Ruiz now in this book he talks about the four main agreements. Basically the only agreements you have to make IMO.

The First Agreement is be impeccable with your word, then always do your best, don't make assumptions and don't take anything personally. Okay so whenever you are in a space where you're questioning your morals your decisions or feeling uncomfortable, you only need those four basic agreements.

Start by asking yourself Am I doing my best? Am I speaking with impeccability? ( Am I being honest am I speaking my truth), Am I making an assumption? Am I doing my best? Now it's easy to figure out if you got a yes to all of those then baby you got it you got it right now let's say that you say no I'm not doing my best you know or yes I'm making an assumption so now you can't smack that up flip it around and either change the agreement in the agreement or continue with the agreement.

Let me just go into some type of real world examples just to give you an example okay this is the one that I think most people have done at some point in time in their life I could be wrong lol.

Okay, let's just say that you know you getting it in with the bow wow chicken wow wow and one person says whose is this and the other person says this is yours oop now you've made an agreement right that one moment of agreement has now put you into a contract. Woo all right let me give you another example you know when you say things like I'm stupid even if you know you're not stupid. Every time you say it over and over again, so you keep resigning that contract that your stupid right? So now you have to end that contract. Easiest way is creating a new contract. Affirming by using words like oh that wasn't very smart of me or I can do better because you're not stupid.

See the thing is a lot of times people don't realize how powerful their words are some of you guys could be wondering like why does this keep happening over and over again in my life. Alright look at your words look at the agreements that you've made. Have you ever said my life is just horrible or I'm doomed or I always have chaos in my life or people always screw me over and so on.

You make those agreements over and over again so in order to end one agreement you must sign a new contract, so my life is blissful, everything always works out for me and so on.

Y’all feel me something so simple, so easy something, so free seems to be one of the hardest things for people to understand. If you understand or you believe whichever one that your words are spells then you're casting every time you open your mouth. So which agreement which spell do you actually want to agree to. Remember nobody can make you do anything unless you allow them, or you agree to it.

I hope that this gave you some type of clarity and brought an alternate perspective about them agreements.

I'm sending you all love light and healing energy 10 times On Purpose
