Hey yall heyyy ok this a topic that came to me during meditation. I feel that often times the spiritual lingo can get confusing especially for you new booties. So Imma do what I do and break this down Empress of Alchemy style.

So lets vibration and frequency.

VIBRATION A.K.A ENERGY/EMOTION example love, anger, sadness, fear etc

FREQUENCY - Is the level aka sync

Let me break it down more. Yall hear me say there are levels to this shit often. The frequency is the level

EXAMPLE: Picture this

You and I are tapped into the VIBRATION of LOVE. Now in this vibration there are multiple frequencies (111,222,333 and so on)

So in this VIBRATION let’s say you are in the frequency of 222 and I am in 888. Now it’s not that one frequency is better than the other just means we are on different frequencies. Now because I am in the frequency of 888 and you are in 222. I can empathize because I’ve passed through that frequency to get to 888.

Although we are both in the VIBRATION of LOVE. We wouldn’t be a full match so there wouldn’t be any mirroring. Likely you and I would see sync like 1001,1221,7117.

Now lets say that we both are in the VIBRATION of LOVE and we both are in the frequency of 222 we would likely see syncs like 1212,1111,3131.

OK BOOM. Yall still with me? OK let’s go a little further

Let’s say that we both are in the VIBRATION of LOVE and we both are in the frequency of 888. We should be seeing mirroring syncs like 1212,1111,3131, right? So what happens if we are seeing 1001,1221,7117?

That would mean one or both of us have additional work to do and it needs to be looked at on an individual level once that healing work is done that is when the mirroring will begin.

Never take it personal or feel like that there is something wrong with you or another. We all have our own individual journeys, we cross paths with each other ON PURPOSE. Not everyone is going to be on the journey with you through it all. Always remember that everyone is not going to make BUT you keep growing. Those who are meant to be in your life will be there when they are supposed to. Yes you may outgrow people more often than many of us would like.

Trust everything you experience is always for your highest good

Hope this gave yall some clarity
